Wednesday, April 30, 2008

RoyaL SelangoR

Went to the Royal Selangor Queensbay Mall after Office hour,to get some souvenir for tomorrow event.i just get confused since there are varieties of souvenir here,so many types and come in so many shapes.

*my eye keep looking at this

*just made up my mind and i bought this one
I ask them to wrapped that gift because i know i'm suck at that.haha..beside,the service is FOC maa..so no need to get myself in trouble

and finally i'm done with this.Let's check it out - food & beverages(checked),guests(checked),souvenir(checked) - oh,i guess everything is checked well,hopefully tomorrow everythings gonna goes well.Hope so.


  1. aiyakkkk!!! nak wrap sendirik pown x gheti kerrr???

    tuh nak kasi caper payzen tuh ek
    ko nk kasik kat Anies tersyg ko tuh ea..niceeee!!!!

  2. zie--->ni mesti zie tak alert ngan entri sebelum ni...tu kan souvenir untuk yang bertukar tuh..haha..saja je ko ni kan..

  3. lalalalala...
    aku saje jek lah..kuikuikui


    "kure² dlm peruhu..buat² x tahu maa...ekekeke"

  4. zie--->aku tahu..sajaer jek ko kan..hahaha

  5. love Royal Selangor stuff. Adeh. Aku pun kalau g beli barang mesti suro orang kedai tu wrap. Senang. hehe


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