Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Anything But OrdinarY

Problem Solving and Decision Making course,the reason why i'm here in Bangi.Maybe i've sent to attend this course to enhance my leadership skills in term of Problem solving and how to make a precise decision.yeah,hopefully this course gonna help me so much in my field of job,as well as in my life aspect too.

At least this could help me a lil bit about how i'm gonna deal with my life right now..i dont even know what kind of life i'm really wanted,but for sure not da one that full of problem and obstacles..yes,they did say obstacles could probably make us tougher,stronger and grow up,but for know, i'm not really sure this impact on me,-we dont ever be happy if we always be something that we are actually not.

*i'll rather be anything but ordinary..please..


  1. ah ha.... sampai sini tak cakap pun. he he e

  2. alam-->ha tu la,masa rehat pun aku pi alamanda,kalau tau bleh kontek hang,haha,lupa lak hang kerja kat putrajaya..


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