Friday, July 25, 2008

I NeeD JusticE!!

So here's da reason why i'm quite pissed-off as for today...(obviously i'm not so in the good mood by now..and i really need something to cheer me up..)

Two weeks ago i've already apply for leave in 4th and 5th August for some travelling purposes...it's already being approved..and i'm happy for dat-and of course 'my family' happy too..

Unfortunately today my so-called BOSS did return back my leave form-

Shocked!!and quite disappointed!!how could you do this to me??after all this time i'm wiping your ass and now you kicking my butt,like you always do??WTF!!

Of-fucking-course he says no.
so how about this??
and this????''Now get off your fucking a** and get pissed off at something you shitheads.''


-hope i could say this to my boss....but i'm not(of course i'm not!!what were you thinking..)...the least i could said:


"i know this doesn't sound important to you at all,but it does to me...i'll make it happen whatever it takes..."


and before he could say anything to me,i'm already left....


and just left politely....


I am sure that except for the fact that,yes,shit already happens - can some shit please happen to other people please?


*You are minding your own business. You have not bothered anyone. Everything is fine. Then someone or something comes along and pisses you off. What do you will do?


  1. sorry to hear that..

    i feel like i wanna slap him twice..ohh make it triple..!!


  2. :(

    cuba ek papa!!

    kak lang x de masa lain nak bertemu papa dah..

  3. alamak!!! cuti kene cancel ker? aduh.. mmg tensen giller ni. lagu mana nak wat nih ha?

  4. :(

    try ur best ek?
    pls :(

    im so sadddd

  5. aku tumpang marah bg pihak ko.

  6. Aku simpati dgn ko. dgn mudah aku kate sabor jelah..tp aku tau begitu susah untuk ko terimanya.

  7. hmmmm.. if say i'm in ur situation...i'll definately go for it!! papa doc kan ader.. ;) ;) lagi pun ko dah apply in advance dah cuti tuuh.. yet, boss ko tetiba plak rejek... aper hal!! spesis boss camnih mmg mangkuk!! tak memahami.. agak2lah.. bukannya ko cuti hari2.. aper2 hal pun.. if aku.. aku pergi jer.. mmm skang ko relek2.. tenangkan fikiran.. carik jalan.. :) by hook or by crook!! :)

  8. ooppssss...
    axim, cian nye..
    adeshhhh.. amek mc la.. da cuti x bg..
    kalo mc diorg x leh kata ape..
    bwk bertenang yek..
    selawat byk2..

  9. Damn! Well....shit happens. Anyway, what goes around comes around. Bersabar jer la....:)

  10. huh!!! cuti je..

    kalau aku, aku mogok abis ngan bos aku.. =P

  11. Inilah dia puncanya yer... kesian adik Abang... memang betul kata MNN... Papa Doc kan ada, kalau tak mintak jer ngan DrC... patutlah marah sangat hari ni... tapi Azim kalau marah cakap omputih yer...

  12. I understand how you feel. I'm a teacher and the only time I could take leave is during the school holiday. Which is to say, I deserve to take leave during the holiday and it pisses me off when my leave application is not approved due to some reason that no one is taking over my job during my absence. I mean, common lah, that's my only time to take leave. I bought my ticket already, I planned my holiday with my friends who I rarely meet and I need the time off from work! I mean why?! why?!

    My advice is just bawak bertenang. Things always happen for a reason. Kita hanya mampu merancang tapi tuhan yang menentukan.

  13. Nikli,

    kalau la ko ada kat sini abang long,mesti papa dah suh ko lempang jer muka cina tuh...hishhhh...geram sehhh....



    yup,papa will try harder to make it happen jugak...tak kira la..nak jugak jumpa semua....bila lagi mau ketemuan kan..

  14. Izan,

    taw takper...tu yang cakap ni lagi besar dari masalah negara nih...hadoi laaa boleh boss yyang tak paham kita ni ada keperluan sosial...



    angah,nanti papa try jugak da best to make it happen...kan kita dah plan ramai ramai last last bleh plak cengginih...sabar k..nanti apa apa papa inform kan bali..do pray for me k...for us jugak..

  15. Ted,

    thanks coz tumpang marah..kalau ko ader mesti aku mintak tolong ko lepuk lepuk kepala cina botak tuh...



    memang susah nak terima,in fact aku tak terima pun sebenarnya...mampus la aku akan pi jugak walau pun cuti tak approved...

  16. MNN,

    yesss definitely i will do that...kalau cara baik tak boleh kita main cara bengkok okeh..papa doc ramai,bleh mintak MC ngan depa...tapi kalau dr.chen dia caj aku 20 hengget satu MC..tapi tu pun aku sanggup lagi dari jeopardise apa yang da di rancang nih...memang ni spesies boss mangkuk!!tak paham aku pun ada keperluan sosial jugak...semua nak pikir pasal kerja jer suh dia bukak kompeni sendiri la kan!!ciss lahanat punya boss.....argghhhh aku kembali tensen......cool..cool....

    mmmmmmmmmmmhaaahh(tarik nafas panjang panjang..)

    ok i'm back to normal again.

  17. Iyrah,

    of course!!!dah cara baik depa tak mau lepas kita main cara tak baik la....nak amik MC depa tak leh wat apa la nanti kan..haha....



    yeahhh....what goes around will come back around....will see later...

  18. Ceera,

    aku nak mogok pun takder gunanya...boss aku tuh bukan nyer makan saman kalau nak mogok mogok nih...dia lagi suka adalah...

  19. Abang Bear,

    yezzza....tu lah punca sebenarnya....walau gempa bumi skali pun akan ku gagahi juga meredah selat tebrau tu nanti....rugi wooo mender dah plan last last jadi cengginih....marah dalam omputih best sket..kahkah...kalau marah dalam BM buruk benor bunyinya nanti...hiks..

  20. Rizal,

    i know thing always happen for a reason but how could this happen to me???i mean,u did make a good point there where this is da only time when we want to hang out wif my fren..once in a while,or i can say this is once in a life time chances....take it or leave it..thats all....

    mmmm will try to figure out something later...

  21. owh azim...i noe how it feel.....mmg sangat nak menyumpah seranah jer la kan...nak maki hamun jer....

    it happened to me before...aper yang yumi buat...pegi jer cuti...cakap sumer dah booking and totally tak leh nak cancel..redah jer....bukan salah azim pon...dah mmg azim apply awal2 dan dah di approve kan....so juz pergi jer teruskan coti...coti azim tu....hehehehe

  22. something silly happened.
    to do next ? follow your heart.
    i had such experiences before.
    it was suck.

  23. axim..bukan nak ajar buar jahat..

    tapi kalau dah terdesak sangat nak gi, axim try amik mc ke..tapi kena one day b4 or..try cari kawan replace..sbb tiket dah ada semua kan..kalau airasia mmg takleh tukar tarikh..sah2 burn camtu je

    slow talk ngan boss..tak kan takboleh bertimbang rasa sikit..

  24. Yeahh. Cayalah axim,mcm ni ar gayer seorang pekerja contoh. Kalau aku jd ko pun aku buat camtu..hehe. TERUSKAN..hehe

  25. ya amponnnnnnnn.... kena cancel pulak cuti... tiket sume dh bookingkan??? adoiiiiiiii...

  26. papa .. namo marah2 k ??
    pasti ada jalan penyelesaiannya
    Insya-Allah ..

    sabar .. relax jap .. pk cara2 nak menyetelkan hal nih ..

    muah lagi !

  27. salam, azim
    jangan marah-marah, buruk rupamu yang suka tersenyum bila masam..

    adalah hikmahnya tu.

    sabar, aku pun pernah cuti ditolak takala semua persiapan sudah dibuat!

    tapi bersabarlah paling utama!

  28. Riena Yumi,

    yup...nak redah jer nih....doakan kejayaan aku meredah!!!hehehe



    it was suck!!!really suck!!

  29. Kak Nor,

    tu lah...memang ingat kena amik MC jer..tapi kalau amik MC purpose ly sangat nampak..lantak la kan...tapi takut efek my career plak...huhu....tell me how i'm suppose to do now???tell me..



    amboih hang...sakan nooo....ok la tuh...suka la ku tak dapat cuti yek...nak pi perlis la camnih..kahkah

  30. Kak EJ,

    tiket sumer da booking passport da buat tinggal nak fly jer lagik skali jadi cengginih...bengang betul gua!!



    nasib baik adeq kasi kiss...haaa kan papa dah tenang kembali..hihi

    TQ adeq!!

  31. Aliff,

    aku tau muka aku buruk bila nak marah nih...tu yang tak boleh marah lama lama..kahkah....anyway,thanks for da advice,.....memang dah bersabar la nih tu yang boleh pi tengok wayang plak semalam..hehe

  32. Just say to him : "Don't be so cold hearted as life is like a wheel, soon it's your time"

    If I've booked flight ticket and my passport, I don't care about my boss anymore.

    By the way, why didn't you apply leave before book the flight and make your passport?

  33. huhuh...

    baru perasan entry, marah ni dlm bahasa english :p

    well.. mcm mana yek.. boss yg tak befikir kot time lulus cuti tuh..

  34. :(
    sedihnya papa
    harap sangat famili YKWYA ade
    semoga dapat cari jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik
    cayok papa

  35. ko cuti je..
    buat tak tauu..
    paling2 koman kene maki..
    tu letak belakang..
    bukan selalu ko buat kann..
    sabar ekk

  36. Faisal Admar,

    kalau aku apply before pun sama jugak,mula mula ye lah dia kata ok pastu terus cancel balik last last minit camnih...nak cakap apa dah kita kuli kan..hishhhhh goramnyer!!!



    marah dalam omputih ni nampak polite skit walaupun words yang di gunakan tuh HARSH actually..kahkah

  37. Aley,

    insya Allah..tengok la camana nanti..hishhh...



    kalau kena maki aku tak kisah...tapi kalau efek aku nyer career camana tuh???ponong kapla eden nih...

  38. just find out la...dohhhh...sabar yek...i percaya msti ade jalan nye nak settle benda ni...and u can go with ur family...think +ve...minta petunjuk Nya...

    xim...tak ensem ar muka monyok...smile k... :)

  39. huh..padan le marah2 haritu.. sampai tukau muka kaler hijau...

    cuti tak approved rupanya..!


    tak patut boss hang tu...!

  40. Ara,

    tau takper...sebab tu aku tak suka marah marah..hehe





    Putu Bambu,



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