Saturday, December 19, 2009


I love Food.

In fact,i frequently blog about food.Dont blame me for this.

Blame my appetite.

it never failed to come for more..and seriously,it appears to be more worst,far far away than i thought it could be.

Somebody help me.

Before i became someone that i hate,someone that i dont recognize anymore..


Last week.

we went to Uncle William again..i just enjoyed the company.That's the real reason i've joined them.In fact,i've already ate.already having dinner with my sister.She cooked.But who can't resist Good Food when it's already in front of your face??Plus i've got a good accompany:)


kedondong asamboi with longan..my favourite.


Nasi Goreng sotong without petai


Apparently Uncle William introduced us with his new meal-ROTI ALU..i think that's how he spelled it.more or less.This meal have so many combination in it-Prawan,Lamb,Chicken,Meatball,Mashed Potatoes and the bread itself..The gravy is nice!!


i always can't resist this..


it's grilled prawn,and i love it!


Another new meal that've been introduced-NASI HOMMALI-it's fried rice with a thin slive of squid on top of it..The taste is ok,but apparently we all already bloated with the first two meal above..do remember the portion is big..and you must share it.


Nasi Hommali with Cod fish


It's a huge Fish,and Aida just feel very full by seing it's size on the plate..The taste is nice(probably because do like fish),but it seems like my friends doesn't like it.never mind.No harm trying.at least we're trying.


This sambal a bit sour


They celebrate Zie's Birthday(belated)..The whole PEOPLE in the shop lot sang for her..hehe..


I had another great time with them.

Thank you.

Eventhough sometimes any words will lead to misunderstanding,but it's human nature.Always makes mistake.a lot of them.But never too late to start something new.You can change or stay the same,and you also can start everything's over..In the name of human,we able to do that.AND one thing i have to admit,i'm not perfect either.

May the moon still bright

And the sun still shine..

Till then,Nothing lasts..

(eventhough there are things that last forever..)


  1. mmmmm..
    what happen dear?

  2. Apepun, SEMUA makanan ituu nampak SANGAT laa best nyee Axim! :)

  3. well they say indulgence is bliss most of the time

  4. weh, terliuq chek tgk gambar kat sini axim oi... =)

  5. Salam Maal Hijrah…. Hijrahkanlah Diri Ini ….

    Rimbun dan redup kasihMu
    Kau tempat ku berpayung
    Di manakah lagi dapat ku rebahkan
    Rasa gundah ini

    Nun Kau teguh di sana
    Pengasih dan penyayang
    Pun ku masih terleka
    Meneguk ihsanMu
    Walau ku sedari

    Oh... nyamannya
    Bila diperlukan rinduMu
    Mengimbaulah sentosa

    Bentangkan ku permaidani
    Dari baldu berwarna putih
    Moga tak ku terasakan
    Cubaan yang ku galas ini
    Kepada Mu titianku
    Hijrahkanlah diri ini

    wow ko tak simpankan aku skit udang bakor tu ke... kempunan beb

  6. Oh my God... Terrible English!!! Axim, please work on improving your English. Am not asking you to perfect it, but merely improving it. You have not improved since the last time I commented (must have been a year ago!).

    Sorry I have to be the one telling you. But I hope you will take it as a constructive criticism.

  7. Ermmmm...

    makan lagi...dan lagi.... :)
    ikot suke ko ler Azim. Sakit tanggung sendirikan.

    Woi! jaga pemakanan tu, makan bila lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang.

    (sori aaa...kasar pulak aku tegur ko).


    nampak best..tapi ada jugak yang tak best..

  9. IZAN,

    bila nak balik malaysia lagi??jom william jom..


    salam maal hijrah..

    thanks for da song..

  11. Fusarium Solani,

    thanks atas teguran.

  12. iya lah Azim... abang nampak azim dah sama besar ngan Ziana... kalau tak kamera trick tu mesti Ziana lebih kecik... tapi ya salam portion dah tau berapa besar tapi item tu banyaknya....

    (elehhhhhh Abg Bear pun kalau ada sana pun sama sama tarik gear kan..kan..kannn)

  13. Abang Bear,

    yer..saya notis akan pembesaran badan yang mendadak ini..:)

  14. Hi Axim,

    I thought you'd take my comment in a positive tone but you appear to be defensive.

    I can leave you alone, it doesn't matter because you have enough "friends" to laugh behind your back.

    Tak boleh terima teguran membina, kalau redah jugak, memanglah keras kepala namanya.

    Aku bukan apa, kesian ngan kaum aku sendiri... Nak berbahasa Inggeris semata-mata utk kelihatan hebat? Meskipun bahasa terbabas-babas?

    Niat aku ikhlas. Kalau ko nak "kawan-kawan" ko tergelak2 belakang ko, itu hak ko.

    Tapi please lah... berbloging ni dikira satu syiar... Apa yg kita tulis, mungkin org lain jadikan amalan (meskipun salah depa membabi buta!)... Janganlah kita bertanggung jawab ke atas kelemahan org lain pulak...

    Apa salahnya tulis dlm BM je? Org yang berbahasa Inggeris tak rugi sbb bahasa Inggeris yg ko tulis pun, depa tak paham gak...

    Harap ko terima teguran ni dgn baik. Demi menjaga air muka ko, aku x harapkan ko publish comment ni. Comment ni khas utk tatapan ko saja. Kalau nak publish jugak, itu hak ko...


  15. ANON,

    masalahnya komen kat sini aku tak buat moderation.ko nak bersuara ikut suka hati ko,aku tak kisah

    ko nak maki ker nak carut aku kat sini pun aku tak kisah.

    yag aku kisah ni blog aku.

    jadi suka hati lah aku nak tulis apa.

    aku tak pernah niat nak tulis dalam bahasa inggeris nak menunjuk atau apa.

    Blog ni milik peribadi,aku tak harap ko baca pun.

    kalau tak suka takyah baca.

    actually aku dah muak dengan teguran orang keliling.

    ok aku akui aku SUCK dalam bahasa inggeris.

    dan sememangnya aku guna bahasa inggeris yang orang dapat faham,walaupun GRAMMAR terbabas ke laut.memang aku taw aku tak terer bab bab grammar ni,tapi blog ni bukan nak masuk pertandingan atau ada budak SPM nak wat karangan jawab exam.

    terima kasih la sebab duk susah hati ngan bahasa inggeris aku yang BENGAP ni.

    satu lagi,aku nak tulis inggeris kaaa cina kaaa india kaaa bangla kaaa ko apa susah??ada aku burden kan ko?kalau dah sakit mata sangat tengok BI aku yang macam HARAM ni senang jaa...pi tanda X yang besar belah kanan tu,klik dan takyah nak datang sini lagik.

    aku rasa 'kawan-kawan' yang duk tergelak gelak tu ko ngan kaum ko yang sespesies lah kot.lantak la nak gelak kan aku.janji aku tak susahkan hidup ko dah cukup baik.

  16. sabar jim. lagi kita layan, lagi dia menjadi. ignore je k? :)

  17. booksgila,

    taw takper..they just getting under my skin.

    biaq pi lah.aku tak susah pun.haha


What do you think about this entry?tell me..