Masa mula-mula sampai di airport Frankfurt Germany 19 February 2015 yang lalu, something happened to my samsung camera NX300.
Tengah kalut buka tali pinggang masa security check untuk naik connecting flight dari frankfurt to Paris, it fell off from my shoulder. I mean the camera. Jatuh lense dulu, mengakibatkan lense terus patah dan total damage. Cannot be used anymore, and as a consolation prize... the body still ok and can functioning well because masih boleh view gambar. But without lense, it's just useless.
It was my first day in europe and bad things already happened. I had a choice at that time. To be moody and not enjoy the holiday at all because of this incident, or i can just forget about this and telling myself at least i still have a phone to take photo.
I chose the second option.
To just let go and not spoil the holiday mood. Because if i'm doing so, it will involved my travel mate as well so it will not fair to them. So from that moment all pictures taken from Paris to Munich just using my Iphone 6 plus. And at least i still can captured a lot of pictures despite am losing one of my best thing in my life (nx300). Have to edit some of my pictures from this trip for phone quality will not be the same like SLR camera.
Well,that's life is all about.
You can choose to be happy or sad in any situations. Even in a bad condition if we make a good choice we still can smile and be positive, and eventually good things will happened to us. Like i do. Even I can't take so good pictures with this camera, i just use whatever i have as a backup. And just enjoy the whole journey without burden in my heart. Have to learn the art of letting go.
To be more peaceful and calm in life.
Apa-apa yang ada pada kita bukan milik kita. Semua milik Allah. Kita cuma pinjam apa yang Allah beri. Jadi bila Allah nak tarik balik rezeki ataupun apa yang kita ada dengan musibah macam ni, sabar dan redha. Allah beri nikmat bernafas pun dah kira syukur sangat-sangat dah. Jadi ujian macam ni sabar dan senyum sajalah. Allah nak uji ada sebab. Nak tengok kita boleh sabar atau nak salahkan takdir. Salah diri sendiri sebab tak gantung kamera ni elok elok. Lesson learned. Kena lebih careful dan jangan cuai.
Reminder to myself.
Ada duit lebih nanti, nak beli lense baru. Sebab saya sangat suka dan sayang kamera ni.
Al-Baqarah Ayat 284 :
لِلَّهِ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ
"Kepunyaan Allah-lah segala apa yang ada di langit dan apa yang ada di bumi.