
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A SuccessfuL FormulA

Secret Recipe Restaurant's being choosen for lunch today.My friend(who else if its not Enchek Salman,again) and i went to te Queensbay mall,in da name of 'want to cari-cari makan kat tempat jauh sket dari opis'...Actually i'm just forgot that E-Gate also had Secret Recipe on its line...just remembered about that when we've already arrived at Queensbay mall.(*Just so you know dat my office is really near da TESCO and E-Gate)Never mind..

Actually,everybody's know that Secret Recipe has become a household name because of its cakes. They are original, delicious and utterly delectable. From cheesecakes to sponge cakes and even ice cream cakes, this establishment’s great success comes from its consistent delivery of all things sweet.(kalau korang suka sangat makan kek kat sini memang perfect choice la untuk dapatkan kek yang sedap-sedap..)

*i've ordered the grilled black pepper chicken
*while enchek Salman just ordered the Chocolate Indulgence cakes (?)
*Hot Chocolate for two,please..
As usual Enchek Salman will be my loyal accompany..(cayalah lu enchek salman,memang sporting ajak makan kat mana pun semua jalann....tu yang aku suka tu keluar makan ngan dia..hehe)

My most favourites cake here absolutely Chocolate Indulgence-a creamy and rich Belgian coverture chocolate and white chocolate filling. Absolutely a luscious, luxurious, sinfully rich chocolate lover's dream. Once you’ve had a taste you’ll just want more. It is best served cold and has this melt in your mouth type feeling. It is a must try for all those who claim to love chocolate.

*What a wonderful cakes...

*Oh my god...this cake makes me go woooohhhh....Yummilicious..(sampai tertutup mata enchek salman mengagumi kelazatan kek yang amat)

Other than cakes, Secret Recipe also has a kitchen that serves fusion cuisine. There is a wide variety of local, western and Italian food on the menu.As for today,i'm just ordered this Grilled Black Pepper Chicken-served with black pepper sauce and herb rice.

The texture of grilled chicken is excellent and the herb rice has an exotic taste to it. It is served with green salad. The taste of black pepper sauce is excellent too..i like..Other items on the menu include the common fish and chips, lasagne, tom yam noodles and many more.

*i wonder why enchek salman refuse to order any local, western and Italian food on the menu..(hang tengah diet kaa enchek salman?hehe)..tengok je lah aku makan yek...

*bleh tahan ramai jugak orang kat sini..lupa lak kan skang lunch hour..memanglah masa untuk semua umat manusia yang bekerja menjamu selera.

Both of us having this hot chocolate.I've had the hot chocolate at a couple of the places and they were pretty good.Hot chocolate is frequently served with whipped cream or marshmallows on top.But for this one none of them is available..haha..thats make me think that DOME's hot chocolate much nicer than this..:D

*very thick chocolate inside yet delicious

*let's move...lunch time already over lah..
The prices are reasonable at Secret Recipe. There’s such a wide variety of them that it takes many visits to go through them all. If you have a sweet tooth, you won’t be disappointed since the secret weapon on this restaurant is on the cakes itself.Overall the served time is not that long,and the service here quite ok..enough reason to exclude this restaurant from my banned list.

Tapi tadi tak sempat nak jalan jalan pun sebab time constraint so both of us terus balik ke opis sajork lepas makan.

*Alhamdulillah...syukur pada tuhan atas kesempatan dapat lagi menikmati rezeki dari-Nya-untuk kesekian kali..God bless.


izal said...

panjang lebar ko dok hurai pasai SR ni...

kalau aku, ngappp jer...dah tak pandang kiri kanan....hahaha...

BraderBoroi said...

mmg pon kek kat kodai SR ni sodap². brader memang suko cheeze choc dio. badan brader jadik bulat pun disobabkan oleh kek SR ni lah. toleh dio jadik kayo sobab brader banyak makan kek sano la. huhuhu.. axim.. menarik kek yg ekau makan tu.. lopeh ni mosti singgah laie nak carik kek mcm ekau tu. huhuhu..

eedany said...


kalau axim ajak... Padang Bandaran Kota Kinabalu...saya tadahkan!


Inah said...

axim..sila try high fiber cheese cake..lagi sedap :)

Ziana said...

senyummm jek dia nih dpn rezeki..
Alhamdulillah..bagus bagus..
syukur ngan rezeki dpn mata kan?

@xiM said...


hmmmm dah namanya blogger haruslah aku hurai sket pasai tempat aku makan nih..haha...ko nih memang suka ngap ngap kan...len kali pandang kiri kanan dulu bro...bahaya woo...


Brader Boroi,

bro,menarik chocolate indulgence tuh..satu laie yang aku suka mango delight...boleh tahan jugak kek tu...nanti aku jadik boroi jugak la makan kek nih banyak banyak..hehe

@xiM said...


Padang Bandaran Kota Kinabalu,tunggu aku...aku akan datang bersama eedany nanti..:D



betul ke sedap?biasa kan high fibre ni kurang sedap/...nanti kalau datang SR lagi aku try order..

@xiM said...


syukur ngan rezeki tuhan...tu yang kena senyum selau..:))))Alhamdulillah...

pearl'E.J said...

akak tak suka la gi mkn situ now, makanan dia mmg dah tak sedap.. serius... dah tu servis ya ampunnnnn... punya la lambat...

fusarium solani said...

kalu datang blog ko jer aku mesti lapor!

Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

haiyo! calories!

shahril aley said...

ermmm kalau secret recipe aku suke cheese cake die...huyooo best gile
hahaha... aku tau ko tak makan pun

ko tak nak buat list ke restaurant yg ko dah buat review mcm bang bear? senang skit org nak tgk restoran mana yg best :)

Arel said...

best cakes.. always. Dah try Zen? A concept from Secret Recipe as well. Different perspective.. i would say and better choice of dishes :)

Miss Reen said...

dapnye cake itu..
adehhh... sok mao gi sr gak lar

*SiRibenMerah said...

nnt leh la blanje I mkn SR yek?

*sambil kelip2 mata neh*

M@x said...

I love Secret's Irish lamb stew -it's the best. But very fattening lo...

MOLY said...

axim .. sila kawal kadar pemakanan anda ...

bahye nih bahye ..
kang apa2 terjadi susah nih


Anonymous said...

secret recipe...

i love the cake. i love the food. i love the dessert.

but, I DON'T LIKE THE SERVICE!! Lucky u... my last experience at mont kiara's secret recipe.. ruined it all...

p/s: i will come again if i really2 crave for the food... selalu tapau cake... my fav... choc. strawberry!!!...(only available at certain places...)

Unknown said...


love their cakes, love them so much, sampai muak makan hehehe

but I can eat their cheesecake all year long :D

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

makan sakan nampak gayanye ek..

nazzman ibrahim said...

ko ni xim asyik makan jerrrr

Mieza's Penny said...

SR...sedap tp harga dia skrg naik mencanak...

kek yg ko mkn tu mmg sedapppp kan...klu sejuk...ya ampunnnnn...:D akak klu pg mesti beli yang itu...

Anonymous said...

Ello ma fren. Sungguh mewah makanan ko ek. Erm macam kerabat2 laks aku tgok ko ni. Tp xper yg penting ko enjoy and hepi dgn ape ko buat.hehe. Wei arini SEPI kuar pawagam ar. Ko pi ar tgok pastu citer dlm blog ko yg meriah ney.

FF said...

ouh yes. Choco Indulgence && Tiramisu is the bestttt! =))

SaifulBashrie said...

hohohoh makan SR...aku dah naik muak dah..hehehe..skrg blum ada nafsu nak makan SR..sbb asyik tu je aku makan bulan2 lepas..puas..SR dekat ngn umah aku kat cni...

@xiM said...

Kak EJ,

oh ye ke servis lambat...mmmm tapi msemalam masa pi tu servis ok jer...tak dak la lambat sangat pun...maybe ada luck..hehe...



sorry to make you hungry,didn't mean to do so to you..hehe...anyway,enjoy ur lunch k..:D

@xiM said...


hahahah memang banyak calorie woooo...aku dah tamoh diet...nak makan jer semua makanan di atas muka bumi nih..haha



euuuuuuwww...cheese cake dulu kawan aku pernah beli...masuk jer dalam mulut aku terus akumuntahkan balik...tak lalu ler....heeeeee...tang cadangan ko tuh nanti ada masa bleh la wat..hehe...aiyakkk ni blog makan makan kah...

@xiM said...


hai arel...salam kenal..belum try zen tuh...will try to do so kalau ada kesempatan nanti..Tq for da info bro..


Heartless Devilish,

da pegi lum SR arini?enjoy ur meal k reen..

@xiM said...

Riben(bulih kaa panggil camni?),

Boleh problem...riben kena mai penang ler..haha



yup,thats what they lamb stew very tempting...but for me,i dont eat lamb..hehe

@xiM said...


lily...bestnyer nasihat nih...hehe,aku pun tak tau naper nafsu makan makin membuak buak akhir akhir nih...malam tadi pun makan sedap lagik...nanti aku wat entri pasai malam tadi..hehe...memang kena kontrol gak nih...bahaya....


Love n Hate,

yup,the food here is overall ok,but maye service lambat...kalau kat kenny rogers pun lambat...hmmmm tapi kalau nak rasa makanan kat sini ok jer kalau tunggu...lain lah kalau kita nak rush kan...

@xiM said...


nyamnyam...chocolate cake is da best...but cheese cake?eeuuuwww...aku tak lalu la...haha...i know so many people loves cheese cake so much...but clearly not me...:D



Yup...moh makan moh...kita sakan kan lagi suasana..hehe

@xiM said...


huhu tu lah nazz...asyik makan jer aku neh..mau tak gemok kan...tah bila nak kurus aku tak tau...tunggu seratus tahun lagi pun macam ni jugak lah kot...haha



ampuuunn kak...kek tuh memang sedap..kalau makan masa sejuk memang wallah....tak terkata kesedapannya...alhamdulillah...

@xiM said...


aaaa aku kenal ko...ko kan yang duk menumpang umah aku last week sebab ada konferen kat USM hehe..ello fre...saja jer wat tak kenal ko..haha...aah,SEPI kuar arini...kalau ada masa kau pi tengok then nanti wat review...hihi


Miss Independent,

yesss....chocolate indulgence da best...tiramisu pun best...satu lagik i suka mango delight...hmmm yummmy...

@xiM said...


waahh umah dekat ngan SR mesti hari hari duk pekena SR sampai naik muak dah//haha...makan la selagi belum menutup mata k...hiks..

*SiRibenMerah said...

dis week x de.. g tepi laut..
ada ekspedisi..
next week br leh tuwun penang..

nantikan kemunculan I di penang..

*erkkk, camne nk helo2 ar??*

ita.itu said...

sib baik aku br lepas makan..hehe...

LeannY said...

hampa dua ni.makin lama makin aku nampak mcm nak jadik kembar dah..he he

Redbloodsnow said...

SR nyer cakes was may favsssss!!!!
lagik² brownie walnut...perrhhhhh!!!

@xiM said...


ok,akan aku nantikan kemunculan hang di penang...bukan jauh sangat kan dari kedah tu..nanti send la emel k,



ko ni memang tau akak,asyik makan jer..(*mengata orang aku yang lebih..haha)

@xiM said...


kembar???ohhhh tidak sama sekali lanny..aku namoo kembar ngan tajul..haha...kalo kembar ngan ko ok la kot...hehe



Tak nah try lak yang tuh..nanti aku try k...mesti sedap sebab ko dah cakap sedap tuh..

NN said...

i just love their cheese cake.. NewYork Cheese Cake.. a plain one.. very nice..nyum nyummmmsss...

tapi hang xmakan cheese kann..


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