
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

FastFooD MomenT

Such a long time didn't set my foot at this Fast food here we are..again.Did ordered KFC Home Salad and Toasted Twister set in conjunction with its advertisement lately on the Television..Being influenced huh??

Someone having this Home Salad-Crisp Iceberg & Romaine lettuce topped with diced tomatoes,(adding with chicken popcorn) due to the restriction of DIET.

Toasted Twister set came with Ordinary French Fries being season with savory herbs and spices for a full flavor. A great addition to any KFC meal.-and it taste GREAT!!(high calories..of course!!)

and this is Toasted Twister- Two freshly prepared, Extra Crispy white meat chicken strips with shredded iceberg lettuce, fresh tomatoes, and pepper mayo sauce - all wrapped together in a soft, warm tortilla.mmmm till the last bite just dont think this is da best that KFC could produced..

Get this tiny-ipod-look alike-radio while purchasing this meal set..Hurry up while stock last!!

Another food again???well,this is me..Welcome to the A.X.I.M.U.D's World!!!Speaking of Fast food Restaurant,i'm attracted with this page:Advertisement VS Reality!!check it out guys.....

*its raining outside...and i'm feel so sleepy...lucky that meal's taken could keep me warm here..hehe...okey,let's get back to work!!



huh.. calories axim..calories..!!


but the twister looks good..
how does it taste?

tak try lagi ni..

aRa RaMaDhAn said...

mmg nak try twister ni tau...tapi ntah mcmna leh terpk burger lama KFC itew...ingat tak Hawaiian burger...tetiba teringin...perghhh

Anonymous said...

aku masih ada disini saudara azim oi.. hari tu je aku lama tak update. penat kot..

^aNgRiAni^ said...

biler tgk KFC
teringat kat cik abg
faveret dia

izal said...


mentang2 le ko makan fast food...

terus ckp omputih ko yer...

dah bosan ek mkn ayam original KFC tu?

ita.itu said...

kfc aku suka..walaupun org kata menggemukkan aku ttp rasa mcm tak.hehe

Ziana said...

pa...angah suke sesgt ape jek yg pakai menatang wrap tuh..

dah try dah twister ... mmg maveles!! sodap!!

pearl'E.J said...

kfc kat tesco tu ekkk?? hehehe... tgk parking mcm kenai jerkk... :D

MOLY said...

diet kah .. ?????
papa makan more salad yee lepas nih

Anonymous said...

salam axim,

blog hop dari blog ej..enjoying ur food entries..suka!hihi

akak link axim ek..

Honeylemon said...

slm ziarah....
blog hop gak nie dr blog ita...

lama da x g restoran 3 huruf nie... hehehe....:)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

tetiba terlapo la plak tgk kfc ni..uwaaaaa

pRincESs_N said...

toasted twister....x smpat2 ag nk try...nxt week r nk try...

eedany said...

nak pergi makan kepci lah...sebab ipod itew... nak kasih kat Tasya...

baik kan auntie eedany?


Izan said...

mmm... kfc my favourite. kene blk msia br leh mkn kfc bb kat sini tak dak kfc.

Anonymous said...

i had kfc today as well... :)

love kfc salad so muchhhh!!!

p/s: the link was awesome!!! and it's true... it never good as it advertised... :) beauty is a skin deep... the taste that counts!!!

@xiM said...

Putu Bambu,

calories is goodd....!!!haha..

taste of toasted twister???hmmm so so ajer lah...



Hawaian burger tuh da takder la ara...yang tu pun besh!!!

@xiM said...

Asril Amirul,

hehe lama tak nampak hang...hope hang ok ok saja bersama isteri tercinta,da dapat anak??



wahhh sayang yer akak kat cik abang..mau tak sayang da suami kan..hihi

@xiM said...


tu la pasal,terus terspeaking omputih aku bila makan kepci nih..kahkahkah....boring la makan ayam dier tuh....makan mender lain la pulak..



ya betul tuh akak..KFC tak menggemukkan kalau ko rajin bersenam..haha

@xiM said...


yup.....suka jugak twister nih...sodappp!!!boleh la walaupun rasa cam kebab jek..haha


Kak EJ,

aah,KFC tesco la ajer kan sebab da selalu pergi,hihi

@xiM said...


welkam akak...hope you enjoy to be here in my page..;

okeh,thanks for da link,will link you back okeh..TQ




@xiM said...


jom pi makan KFC!!!!


Princess N,

OKEh next week sila try yek..jangan tak try..

@xiM said...


erkkk yang salad tuh bukan papa makan,orang lain ler..papa makan twister tuh..haha



wahhhhh baiknya auntie eedany,nak jadik anak sedar u jugak laa...boleh?hehe

@xiM said...


cian dier kat itali takdak KFC...moh balik malaysia moh...



owh really?u had KFC jugak tadik....salad KFC sedap kan...

*aah,advertisement sumer cantik...tapi true tak la macam tuh..yang penting rasanya kan..

fusarium solani said...

tadi penerbit aku belanja makan dominos pizza!

@xiM said...


aku kurang sket makan pizza!!tak taw pasai apa..

saracocohoney said...

laa... kfc jer..naper nampak cam best nih?

SYUKS said...

gambar salad tu nampak sedap la axim....dan gambar dia cantik... adakah kamera baru??? tertanya sebentar... he he

@xiM said...


mungkin sebab you tengah lapar kot..haha



no la...tu still gambar dari my P990i...tak beli lagi kamera baru..huhu

Unknown said...

dah try dah toasted twister tu. nampak iklan cam menarik. tp rasanya biasak je. kalo sejuk keraihh la roti tu kan. yg penting radio comel tu hakhak.

RieNa.YuMi said...

errmmm...dah lama jua tak masuk kepsi nih....

mummysyafie said...

fast food ni mmg sedap kan..kepci..kepci..hari ni gaji kan..meh serbu kepci

:: Wiween :: said...

omak!beshnye kep c! haduiiiiiiii tibe2 tingin mkn ayam kep c! isk isk

shahril aley said...

semalam lunch pun makan toasted twister & OR Fillet Burger
rasanye yg dulu lagi best die punye...
erkkk saiz daaa...

CATZ said...

hemm..terliur aku tgk kfc twister ni..macam teringin pulak..
aku pantang la..pantang tgk food..sure rasa nak beli tang ni jugak..

ixora said...

makan lagi...bulat2..jom balik kmamang, kedai kopi hai peng mkn roti bakor ngn kopi

Redbloodsnow said...

wahhhh kepchiii kepchiiiii!!!!
t lanje aku kepchi bucket yek


@xiM said...


yup betul tuh..iklan jer menarik tapi realiti tak seindah yang di tu memang kiut bangat!!



kalau dah lama cuba lah jejakkan kaki lagi hari nih..

@xiM said...

Kak Nor,

amboih dapat gaji terus nak pi serbu KFC nooo....



pi la beli...selamat makan KEPCI yek akak ween!!

@xiM said...


cesss tiru aku yek..orang makan KFC dia pun nak makan KFC jua..haha



sama cam aku la catz..pantang tengok makanan...huhu...

@xiM said...


mung duk kat tranung beloh maner???



no problem Zie....bagitau jer tarikh dan tempat..nanti aku sampai..haha

Najib Ariyan Ali Basha said...

yes fast food...cara dan gaya masa kini ikutan anak anak muda berserta ipod... kalau nak suruh orang tua makan kena aa sate lah... kerabu mangga lah... ikan steam lemon lah.. atau paling paling ikan masak singgang atau asam pedas... hahahaha

Faisal Admar said...

Salad tu sangat sedap :)

@xiM said...

Abang Bear,

yang orang tua makan tuh orang muda suka jugak makan tau...sedap jer semua mender yang bernama makanan nih..haha


Faisal Admar,

yeah salad tu is mabeles..!!


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