
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nothing Last FOREVER..

It is so easy to see
Dysfunction between you and me
We must free up these tired souls
Before the sadness kills us both

I tried and tried to let you know
I love you but I'm letting go
It may not last but I don't know
Just don't know


If you don't know
Then you can't care
And I show up
But you're not there
But I'm waiting
And you want to
Still afraid that I will desert you


With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes it so hard to stay
But nothing last forever, but be honest babe
It hurts but it may be the only way


A bed that's warm with memories
Can heal us temporarily
The misbehaving only makes
The ditch between us so damn deep

Built a wall around my heart
Never let it fall apart
Strangely I wish secretly
It would fall down while I'm asleep


If you don't know
Then you can't care
And I show up
But you're not there
But I'm waiting
And you want to
Still afraid that I will desert you, babe


With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes it so hard to stay
But nothing last forever, but be honest babe
It hurts but it may be the only way


Tough we have not hit the ground
Doesn't mean we're not still falling, oh..
I want so bad to pick you up
But you're still too reluctant to accept my help
What a shame I hope you find somewhere to place the blame
But until then the fact remains

With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes it so hard to stay
Nothing last forever, but be honest babe
It hurts but it may be the only way

*Gambar kat atas gambar jambatan Penang masa balik Petang tadi dari Opis ke Rumah..tengok awan berkepul-kepul tuh sangat cantek sekali!!Subhanallah..(Lagu:Nothing Last Forever-Maroon5-Dengar CD on the way balik..layan gak lah lagu nih..)But it's quite true huh..Nothing will Last Forever..

Damned are those who had today worse than yesterday
Losers are those who had today just the same as yesterday
Success are those who had today BETTER than Yesterday.. -al-Hadith


Mr. Arul said...

Sambil memandu sempat snap2 gambar nie..Nie nak kena kasi taw polis nie.. Pemanduan berbahaya.. :p

Ziana said...

Forgive those who have hurt you

Two things scare me..
The first is getting hurt...
But that's not nearly as scary as the second..which is losing...

take care ya!!

Keri AlHaj said...

oooo, gambar awaw rupanya... terfikir jugak apa kena mengena gambar jambatan tu dgn lagu.. rupanya gambar awan...

tehais said...

saya nmpk signboard tulis SEBERANG JAYA! ngeee :P

anne said...

suka tengok awan....baik2 amik gambar sambil bawak kereta tu!;-)

Cik_Iza said...

hanya allah pemilik mutlak.. :)

@xiM said...


jangan...kang nanti aku kena saman..silap silap ada peraturan baru nanti-DiLARANG MENGAMBIL FOTO SEMASA MEMANDU..hehe

@xiM said...


jangan...kang nanti aku kena saman..silap silap ada peraturan baru nanti-DiLARANG MENGAMBIL FOTO SEMASA MEMANDU..hehe

@xiM said...


i'm afraid of losing someone too..hehe

whatever it is,

LIFE GOES ON...always goes on..


@xiM said...


now u know hubung kaitnya kan..hehe

@xiM said...


hang orang seberang jaya kaa teh ais??

@xiM said...


yup..dah habis hati hati ni bawak kereta slow,marah orang belakang duk que..haha..

@xiM said...

Cik Iza,


pRincESs_N said...

btl2...awan kepul2 tu sgtt cantek...

Teh Ais Gula Madu said...

sempat lagi tuh.....ish3...

fusarium solani said...


Kamu ini menyalahi etika pemanduan berhemat!!!

Kok eksiden atas jambatan tu kan susah!

@xiM said...

Princess N,

ya betul...tu yang duk pulun amik gambaq jugak..sebab tak selalu awan jadi macam tuh..hehe

@xiM said...


sempat sajer..jangan ter eksiden sudah..haha

@xiM said...


jangan cakap macam tu dong..kelak jadi realiti gwe jugak yang susah nanti..huhu

Anonymous said...

nothing last forever, except eternity and the life after ......

abuyusof said...

.. aduh! rindu kat penang dah lebih 15 tahun tak gi sana.. dengar zaman komtar dan penang road dah berakhir..hik..

SYUKS said...

sungguh amaran Kerajaan Malaysia, ambil gambar semasa memandu membahayakan keselamatan.. he he

Mrs.Sheikh said...

ni yg buat hati berkobar nak balik sg pinang ni...lama tak hirup udara penang. adeii... rindu nya kat penang.. my parents balik julai ni..diri sendiri plak derhaka tak dpt cuti..

cantik ler ...

:: Wiween :: said...

fulamak layan maroon 5 nampak azim?? huhuhu kak ween sihat aje. ;)

Arash Libra said...

gud piccas..i like! =)

Anonymous said...

ni time tgh memandu amik gmbr guna nikon ker? hebat..

Izan said...

lamanya hang menghilang. mana pi ni. mana tau senyap2 da smpi italy cam kitorang. hahahahahahha

@xiM said...


yup..setuju benor saya dengan kome..

@xiM said...


HEHE..betul tuh..skarang orang penang sumer pi lepak kat Gurney Plaza atau QueensbaY MAll je..takder dah KOMTAR skarang..:p

@xiM said...


alamak..kena ada circular baru lah camni..hehe

@xiM said...


mai la balik penang,kalau balik penang jangan lupa bagitau boleh kita pi pekena kari kepala ikan noooo..

@xiM said...

Cikgu Wiween,

alhamdulillah sihat..

saya pun makin sihat jek..hehe

@xiM said...


i love it too!!

@xiM said...


hehe..sebelah pegang stereng sebelah pegang kamera ok what..:)

@xiM said...


saya ada jer kak,akak tu senyap lama taw taw da sampai Italy dah..haha..amacam Roma??ada baguih kaa?

kuchairies said...

Lirik nih mmg kena tepat kat aku..

@xiM said...


tepat atas batang hidung kaa??hehe


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