You are minding your own business. You have not bothered anyone. Everything is fine. Then someone or something comes along and pisses you off. What do you? Fight back, of course. For me its better to get ahead than gat evens in the current situation.

But what do you do when you can't fight back?when the guy in a little car cuts you off and disappear just like that before you can chek on him,That girl at the movie won't shutup, but after the movie is over, you can't find her because she left already.The waiter brings you a fork instead of a spoon, then he goes and dies of an heart attack before you have the opportunity to rupture his spleen. What do you do? You are pissed, and someone has to pay.
I think below are the few options in case you really need it:
1.Forget about it. This is what most parents, teachers, psychologists, and friends would recommend, but we don't care about what they have to say, they're wrong. Years of experience and thousands of hours of formal education don't mean that they have everythings, despite what had happen to us..agree with me?i dont think we could possibly easily forget about it just like dat..
2.Pick on someone or something weaker than you. If you can't get the person that caused your pain, do the next best thing: find something smaller than you. Small animals or people are best. Dogs, children,are all quite satisfactory for light to moderate kicking.
3. Destroy something. This is a personal favorite. If you don't have explosives, make some. Gasoline will work great. Destroying your own personal property is not a good idea. Destroying that of your annoying neighbor or perhaps an innocent friends is very relieving!!(kahkahkah)
4. Give up. The world hates you. Go crawl into a hole(to be precise into grave) and die. This is what I recommend.:)
A *Somehow we might regret about shit that happened and start screaming and yelling-''could shit please happen to someone else other than me??'' for me,things always happen for a please keep in silent and think back about what had happened-then you'll find da answer by yourself..
*kenal tak ngan mamat menjerit kat atas tuh??kalau tak kenal tak taw la aku nak cakap apa..haha
nie entry mari mengenal atlet ke? hehehe..
btw. kalau jeritan batinku macam mana???
"i dont think we could possibly easily forget about it just like dat.."
that's true..
option 2 sounds good hehehe
meh jerit ramai2 kat telinga axim.. ngahahahah! ;p oit axim! ko dengar tak??!!! kitorang jerit dari paris nieh!!!
things always happen for a reason...
i agree..hmmmm to the fullest axim.....:P
keep in silent and think back about what had happened-then you'll find da answer by yourself
agreed!! learned from d'lesson!!
btw.. await nih pa..
sabaq naaaa
sungguh klu saya, sabar itu lebih baik...
setelah beberapa kali hati rasa marah, sudah tahu mengawalnya dengan jayanya....
i'm proud of me!
keep in silent and think back - worked for me :)
will remain silent for d moment :)
muhasabah diri depends....getting a punch beg would b a good therapy. it wont cause harm to your surroundin'. goes well for me havin a punch beg tho :) used to have :) have a great for my night shift nw :P
silent is golden! azim.
be wise before u shout back;P!
itu yg menang emas banyak kat Olimpic tu kan.... oh ok.. jeritan Azim punya kes sama ker macam jeritan budak tu...??? masalah sama ker?? Kalau abang lah just ignore jerrr...
gagal memahami.. keh keh
agree with abg bear... to involve in argument or to reflect back what he did isn't a good thing to do... and it isn't wise.
scream out loud is good but make sure it's far away from peoples... and you are alone! or else... you might get kicked... he he he.
p/s: i will do exactly like abg bear... ignore and control my breath as it helps you to control your anger :)
The picture is freaking weird~
awat hodohnye muke michael phelps tu
tapi die memang hebat di kolam renang
di ranjang tak tau plak
opss bulan pose la
makan apa la die tu ye...
cheese kot!!
wakakaka...option tuh tu kan xim...mcm ciannnn jek arr kat org or haiwan yg smaller n weaker tuh ar.jd mangse plak die..hehehe
dah²..namo tension² yek :)
jeritan batin tu macam mana arep??haha
true yet have to do it whatever it takes..
Buta Seni,
i prefer options number 3..haha
Buta Seni,
i prefer options number 3..haha
you have to agree bro...:)
thats correct wahidah!:)
you have to agree bro...:)
thats correct wahidah!:)
takdak pape la ngah,pa ok jer...smil111eee..:)
Perempuan Kalis Peluru,
so many people proud of you...:)
hmmm where'd you go alang...i miss u..:(
Have a great day to you my lovely cousin!!
yup..that's kewl...
Tok Bear,
yeah.....just ignore jer k...lama lama ok lah tu..
Tokyo Blue,
kenapa anda gagal memahami??
Faisal Admar,
yeah...not wise to fought back in case u did'nt have power to do so....what to do,just keep in silent and be a good always..
Blue Crystal,
freaking weird???hmmmm that's micheal phelps trying to celebrate his winning:)
aku ok la zie..tak tensen tensen pun...smileee always..:)
pa ... ok ke x .. ?
hmm ...
sape mamat tuh
x kenal la
Try reading buku by Eckhart Tolle: A New Earth...
If you baca, you tak kan marah anymore, walau apa pun situasi you're in... :)
i dah nak masuk tido..
xbaca pon entry nihh..
i tot nak kasik bra jek utk mamat nihh..soh dia pakai..
*pale tintong..!!
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