
Thursday, October 16, 2008

If I never See Your Face Again

Now as the summer fades
I let you slip away
You say I'm not your type
But I can make you sway

It makes you burn to learn
You're not the only one
I'd let you be if you
Put down your blazing gun

Now you've gone somewhere else
Far away
I don't know if I will find you
But you feel my breath
On your neck
Can't believe I'm right behind you

'Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again
I don't mind
'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

Sometimes you move so well
It's hard not to give in
I'm lost, I can't tell
Where you end and I begin

It makes me burn to learn
You're with another man
I wonder if he's half
The lover that I am

Now you've gone somewhere else
Far away
I don't know if I will find you
But you feel my breath
On your neck
Can't believe I'm right behind you

'Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again I don't mind
'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

Baby, baby
Please believe me
Find it in your heart to reach me
Promise not to leave me behind

Take me down, but take it easy
Make me think but don't deceive me
Talk to me bout taking your time

'Cause you keep me coming back for more
And I feel a little better than I did before
And if I never see your face again I don't mind
'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

*song by Maroon 5 feat Rihanna.i love this song VERY much!!..Guys,i'm going to be away for a while..Just need some times to rest and i'm going to be so busy with work and stuff..hmmm maybe a day,a week or even a year,who's going to know..hehehe..Take care everybody's.


Unknown said...

you do know this song is about a persons scandals/spare?


i like that song too

amirul usheruff dzulkarnain said...


Rush Murad said...

nice song.... very soothing...

Adry said...

herrmmm macam best jerk

Adry @

Redbloodsnow said...

besh ke lagu neh xim
so far aku lom dgq lagi nooo..hehehe


Anonymous said...


izal said...

nak rehat setahun bro?

so next year punye entry gambar baby kot?????

selamat berehattt...

MOLY said...

pa ..
jangan pergi lama lama
nanti kita semua rindu !!

what ever it is ..
u be strong ... i know u r ..
be positive ...

kerja rajin2 .. tp jangan terlebih rajin ... nnt x sihat papa jugak yg susah ..

take care !!
gonna miss uuuuuuu !!


kuchalana said...

aku dah terbusy dari lepas raya lagi.. la ni merempat kat negara org.. kekekke.. anyway.. take care bro..

Ziana said...

luv tis song too!!

jgn pk sgt bebenda nih..
i knw u r strong..
pls +ve k?
u always remind me kan?

go n get some rest!!
but make sure always updates us yaaa...

take care!!
miss ya!

ixora said...

take care..
jgn lme2 sgt..
nnt kempunan nk tgk menu2 bru..

SYUKS said...

Taking a break from continous things we did in life... is somehow relaxing..but not that long huh Axim... coz you'll be missed, big time !

bozzobattousai said...

apasal abg tak pernah dengar lagu nih? takpe, kak ti hang mesti ada. nanti abg blutot ngan dia dengar dan komen lagi...

NN said...

where r u going..??

u r so gonna be missed..

fusarium solani said...

Azim, lama aku tak masuk blog ko, baca balik dari entri masa raya sampai hari. Sibuk benor. Kesimpulannya aku lihat ko melalui kehidupan yang amat gembira dan lebih baik dari aku. Jangan sedih dan lari. Berehatlah kalau perlu. Dugaan yang datang ko hadapilah dengan berlapang dada.

Gaduh lagi ngn Anies ek? :p

Ingatlah, Allah SWT sentiasa menduga tahap keimanan hambaNya.

Cyberwira said...

Salam.. mcm ada problem je.. dun worry.. be happy k.. kawan2 u sentiasa ada di sisi mu..


pRincESs_N said...

besh lagu ni..sokak2...

Anonymous said...

korunk jgn riso k.hampir setiap hari dia ada didepan mata aku... aku akan salu tgk2kan dia... jadi 'mata' jugak untuk korunk! sian dier, BZ ngan keje....

Sa-Yu-Ri said...

xim, gg somewhere to be found or to be left unfound? ahaha, ok u might not geddit :P

anyway, tkcr ya

oh ya, u like to swim isit??

Mieza's Penny said...

busy...slmt berehat dan jgn cuti lama2 ek..:D take care!!!

nazzman ibrahim said...

wahhhh ko nak ke mana plak ni xim ishhh ishhhh apa pun take care ok

Anonymous said...

Make a great comeback soon k!

Anonymous said...

wuaaa...where u going?
gonna miss ur blog after this...:(
t8 care ya!!

nasazfrog... said...

dah abis busy tuh jgn lupe update k.. :)

Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

have a good rest axim!

Redbloodsnow said...

ximmm...nak mintak izin neh
aku nak rembat gambo Not Now, Im Buzy tuh ek xim

terbekenan lak zie nengok..hahahaha
katner ko dpt ea :P

Anonymous said...

Oloh...nak pi mana pulak dah..
saya ni silent reader...
u so gonna be missed!!
rehat la dulu yek,tenangkan fikiran..nanti dah reda semuanya kembali lah balik..

kami menanti..

RieNa.YuMi said...

take care beb...

tho busy...make sure get some rest k...

rudy bluehikari said...

idupni mcm tuhla tolong jgn terlalu pissed off. u hv frens over there can make u CERIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... come on bro.

CATZ said...

have a good rest axim...
wutever will be..will be..
be strong...oke..
moga kembali dgn ceria nanti.

Anonymous said...

pls don't walk away..
u r so gonna be missed..

Anonymous said...

have a good rest.. :)
u deserve it, bro~

Inah said...

papa..mau jumpe me kah???? heheheh..perasan lak..ingat papa amik tiket ke adelaide :)

u take care!!

pearl'E.J said...

tak pernah dengar pun lagu nihh... ketinggalan jaman tul kann akak nihh....

ermmmm... nk pi mana nihh??

arsaili said...

sal..ala bro...keep on writing k...

bluecrystaldude said...

Weh, aku baru kasik award kat ko. Huhuu.. Siler2 amik pada biler2 mase yek :)

Faisal Admar said...

don't know this song. i'm in the mood for all my life by kc and jojo. no comment why :P

hope to see you soon!

mummysyafie said...

wa..banyak bz ka axim..


wow...bermakna tu...


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