but i'm still in my Lab and plant,
Doing some chores due to defect yesterday morning..
what makes me feel strong about this?
yeap..it's responsibility..
i have to bare this responsibility
since i'm already in that line..
Drain the tank and keep repeating
suck all the resin and pull it out..
it a must..
Provided nothing's gonna happen..
how do i feel?
Obviously i'm so tired and really really sleepy
If only i knew this could take longer
i will take enough rest last night before i came into the station
what to do..
but most of all,
i feel so frustrated because i didn't have any chance
To watched important Match
Champion League Quarter Final
Liverpool VS Chelsea..
seems like the game is over
when i'm already home..
CHELSEA WON 3-1!!!!:):):):):)
*oh my god..its already 5.13 am..i should get some sleep because tomorrow am still got a program at my workplace..Hungry..tired..sleepy..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
syian laa plak..
dah rupa Gorgon Lapaq dah tuh!!
dah dah pi tedoq..
u hv 2hrs to rest!!
sebaik Chelsea menang..
leh tedoq lena kan kan?
nite nite
sweet dreams!!
tc ya!!
pi tdoq.. pi tdoq...
mata da tak larat nak bukak da...
alahai siannyaaaaaa axim sorang ni
kol 5 pagi dok sms kami
kamu tak tido lagi
semoga semuanya ok ye
mata dah mcm vampire dah tau ;)
ombak biru..
axim.. lama x jumpe.. nk buking 30hb neh.. muleh??
semangat bola mengatasi kengantukkan yer
Cis! macamana boleh kalah ni torres?huhu...tempat sendiri plak tu.takpe takpe, tunggu next week plak.aku pun miss game tu awal pagi tadi, tak larat nak bangun sebab semalam outstation.
good luck with your test, never give up bro. nampak gaya ada persamaan bidang kita ni.hehe
aiyo.kol 5.30 dok kat tmpt keje lg ke..
cmne la saya eh bile dah keje nanti.
congrats for the chelsea winning :)
you and lab? hmm. dah macam inah pulak :P
congrats sbb chelsea mng...
lama dh tk dok lab..hehehe..last sekali time blaja..hehehe
hmm...apa nak buat, kena kerja.
dah qada tido ke belum ni?
bro.. what is your job??? owh.. Fan Chelsea yer... hermm... aku masih kecewa bab MU seri jerkk... emmm
Adry @ http://www.adrysabry.com
owh..rupa gorgon lapaq macam tuh ek..haha
i'm ok now..dah cukup rest..
nite nite skali lagik..hehe
dah tidoq da pagi tadi sampai kul 12 tengahari..hehe
semuanya dah ok..Alhamdulillah..
Cik Ijau,
vampire??woww...bleh hisap darah tuh..hehe
yeaaayyyy kibarkan gelombang biru..:)
erkkk nak booking saya ke mana nih??
tapi frust sebab tak sempat nak tengok da whole game..hurrmmm..
Suka Bebel,
haha..Torres dah hilang magic nyer..hehe..main kat tempat sendiri pulak tuh..:p
persamaan bidang??apakah bidang kamu itu wahai enchik yang suka bebel?
nanti hang dah kerja merasalah hang tau camana rasanya nanti..hehe
Faisal Admar,
yehaaaa....MU seri jer kan ngan Porto..nyawa nyawa ikan lagi tuh..hihi
persamaan bidang ngan Inah??ohh tidak tidak..ada perbezaannya di situ..
macey macey..sila sila lah ke lab yer nanti pi uji darah..hehe
tu la..dah periuk nasik kan..
haah,dah qada tidor pagi tadi..sampai kul 12 tengahari siap..haha
saya ni kuli kepada majikan saya jer..
sorry sebab MU seri jer ngan Porto..:)
Omg, 4.30am still in office. Huhu. And have to work on the next day too? Kesian u. Take care yer. At least Cahaya work 10pm-7am boleh tidur senyenyaknya selepas itu.
banyaknya chemical item...
teringat zaman sekolah menengah dulu...dok main campur benda2 tu...sekali pecah tabung uji...hehehehe
dedicated staff,
good for u!
have a great week-ENDS axim!
Mata layuu.. keshiann..
looks like the interior of my fume hood too
alaaa, nanti hang claim lebat laaa..
bole claim ot..?? rasanya, exec is not entitled utk OT kan..??
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