This is my first attempt to reach Hammer Bay restaurant-near the Queensbay Mall..Prior to the dinner we had enjoyed the movie:Star Wars:The Clone Wars
i like this movie so much since i'm a big fan of Star Wars Episodes...
i rather give it 9/10!!
Actually the night before we watched the Wall-E movie at Gurney Plaza
This movie is brilliant too...i give it 7/10...

He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure.
aThis movie is brilliant too...i give it 7/10...
So that's how i'm spend my last two night...But somehow life is not all about happiness isn't it??sadness is also part of our life too...owhhhh...life is sooo wonderful..
So that's how i'm spend my last two night...But somehow life is not all about happiness isn't it??sadness is also part of our life too...owhhhh...life is sooo wonderful..
*i dont know what's bothering me so much this past few days but i know somethings keep aroused me...linger in my head,and finally get me demotivated just for a while...seriously it takes a lot of effort from me to finished with this entry...entry with no-soul-inside-it..somebody helppp!!!
*i dont know what's bothering me so much this past few days but i know somethings keep aroused me...linger in my head,and finally get me demotivated just for a while...seriously it takes a lot of effort from me to finished with this entry...entry with no-soul-inside-it..somebody helppp!!!
**i'll try my best to doing some bloghop as soon as i've got some times to do so...woww looks like my schedules quite hectic lately....
**i'll try my best to doing some bloghop as soon as i've got some times to do so...woww looks like my schedules quite hectic lately....
perghhhh best tuh jalan2 carik makan :)
Yes, life sometimes is temporaily lost, I had this experience also. We will keep on moving once our thought get it right.
Having some wonderful moments with friends make our life feeling good.
Wow, you surely the movie, meal very much.
Axim, take care always
just take ur own sweet time for urself.. go have some fun..
have a great time dude..
B aja?? ermmm x nak pi la kalau mcm tu... hehehehe... akak tak pernah lagi jejak kaki kat situ...
hehe.. :) bestnyer kuar ngan dr chen :D
hi! r u writing about indian dance?
aduh...aku takleh tgk ko letak gambar makanan ni wei,seriud kecur air liur.huhu
dah lama tak tgk wayang
best ek Clone Wars nih??
harusss tgk!!
Wall E dah nengok..
ok ok ajek laaa
u terlalu byk pk....
sbb tuh rase mcm stress kot kan?
dgn komitmen yg memcm lg..
nnt tron KL kite story ek?
take care ya!!
K Nizam,
yuppp...sessi jalan jalan cari makan laa yang best sebenarnya...haha...moh kita!!
Hi there,thanks for dropping by..yup...life like this....never mind..
you take care always too!!
TQ buddy!!you too have a great time!!]
Kak EJ,
hammer bay nih dekat dekat ngan QB MaLL kak,sebelah ngan Gold Coast Resort...makanan maybe seimbang ngan view...sebelah pantai..nanti kita pi nakk??
you should join us prince Rizal!!
mmmm maybe someday i will...not now..hehe
memang saja aku nak wat kecur air liur ko..biaq mentik tap tap atas keyboard tuh...wakakaka..
aah,clone wars tuh biasa ajer...tapi pa sukaa!!!
wall e pun ok ok jek..
tu lah..manyak pk tu yang jadi bengong nih..ok ok nanti turun KL kita story ekkk...
take care angah!!
hmmmm...star wars is my fav la... :)
anyway, makanan tu semuanyer kelihatan lazat...ermm my malay correct ryt? :(
hehe... tak pernah sampai lagik hammer bay tuh... hehe.. ingat nak bawa family gi makan sana.. celebrate mak dpt naik pangkat hehe
eh wall-e tuh... gf dia bukan nama eva ka?
wahh . pa .. makan x ingat anak2 kat KL yerrr .... banyak sangat nasi papa dalam pinggan tuh .. next time amik half aje yer ..
huhuhuh :P
2 hari tgk mubi
adik dah lama x tgk
bile laa ek .. ?
yaampun..byknye ko makan..ko nih bismillah ke x nih? kah.kah.kah
yup...lagi lazat kalau u yang makan sendirik..hehe..
ur malay is very good!!
Faisal Admar,
owhh really??tak nah sampai ekk..ni pun first time gak aku mai sini..haha...nanti bawak la family ko makan kat sini..
aah,Wall-E tuh GF dia namanya Eve....kiut jek kartun nih...u should watch it!!
actually Dr.Chen tak nak makan nasik banyak so dia campak dia nyer portion kat pinggan paa...tu pun pa makan tak habis..hehe..
ye lah,2 3 ari ni adeq asyik duk melalak jer..mana nak ingat pi tengok muvee..hehe
wahhh aku baca bismillah la kak....tapi tu pun makan tak habis sebab nasik banyak giler..haha...selamat hari jumaat!!
erkksss.. robot tuh d akuar yek.. alamak.. neh da ketinggalan neh.. harus tgk muvi.. aiyakkk=P
tgk la nanti ek... zal akan bercemar duli kat KL on the 19th sept hehe.. tapi tgklah if zal dpt gi penang hehe.. (been there like 2 years ago)... my first long drive journey heheeh.. :P
sedapnyeeeeeeeeeeeee siakap!!!!!
mak aiii byk nye kome mkn....
tp nampak sedap la bai makanan tu...
puasa esok mau aku tak jenguk blog korang.. asik dok tayang makanan buka....ohhh tidak...
bro.. pi la take 5.. to have all this feeling is normal.. lama2 ok la tu.. pengisian jiwa yg paling penting bro.. jiwa kosong.. semua bende xkene je..
nak pergi nonton Star Wars lah!
u cakap best...nak pergi lah :)
p/s : hari-hari menu u sedap lah! Nyum-nyum...
fuyooooooooooo sedappppppp arr makanan tu
meleleh air liur aku nengok food tuh xim..yummm yummm..hehe
ingat nak bawa pi hari ni... jalam lak jam dan polis sana sini pasal esok kan election... mak aku ckp tangguh je next week hehe... aku on je la :)
ha ha.. aku tengok Wall E siap tertidur lagi... awal dan akhir cerita ajer tgk lelap tengah tengah cerita
Tu tempat abang makan dulu tu... tak best tak sedap... oleh kerana Azim bagitahu 9/10... nanti abang nak gi tengok... marathon lah
haaa dah tengok lum??harap iyrah da tengok yek...
kalau dah mencemar duli tuh bagitau la yek...jangan senyap senyap sajer k...hehe
siakap tuh kureng sedap laa sebab too much garlic!!
haha nanti bulan pose aku nak buh gambar makanan banyak banyak lagi kasi ko terliur..kahkahkah(gelak jahat nih..)
betul tu bro...aku rasa jiwa kosong yang jadi camni tuh...takper...kena cari apa tak kena...kena wat pengisian jiwa nih...
haaa dah nonton star wars lum nih...??
sedaaappppp!!!tak sedap sangat laaa...haha
tak best sangat la zie...
haaa dah pi lum makan kat Hammer bay nih??
owhh ye ker siap tertidur lagik..haha..to be frank aku pun tertidur sat...kahkahkah
Tok Bear,
haaa tok bear da tengok citer ni kan...best kan...menghiburkan kan...
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