
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Restoran Sari Ratu: Indonesian Food-Nasi Padang

Last week while i'm struggling to finished my weekend in Kuala Lumpur,my sister brought me to had dinner together at this Restaurant-Restaurant Sari Ratu Nasi Padang,which is located at ampang Waterfront.
I like the Restaurant environment-calm,cozy and dime..

It's me
and my lovely sister-Kak Tie
We ordered a variety of small dishes from the counter - first was the Ayam Pop (RM6++) which is kampung chicken (free range chicken) that has been soaked in brine and then deep fried. It's served with tapioca leaves and a spicy-soya sauce . Slightly different way of serving it here as usually they give a chilli sauce instead.

as an additional we didi ordered another plate of tapioca leaves(just so you know that all of my family members are craxee about this tapioca leaves...very delicious Ulam!!),served with sambal

The Dendeng Daging (RM5.50++) -thin beef slices fried till crispy and served with chili sauce. i did not like this one much as it wasn't paper thin enough to make it crispy.but then-the taste is still in the range.
Potato Crisp as a side dishes..(this one is really gewwdd!)

Masam Pedas Gravy-slightly different version with malay masam pedas style yet tasty
Green and Red Sambal-combined together to enhance the taste
I think this small portion of white rice makes me think to ordered another plate..haha...such a greedy right??

owhhhh i love the ayam pop so did they made it??anyone??dare enough to share the recipe with me?

With all the 'cewek cewek manis' that ready to served you,i think this restaurant really does worth a try,besides of its Terrific choices of meal here

Another must have when you visit this Nasi Padang outlet- Alpokat Juice (RM6++) that is made from Indonesian avocados and is drizzled with chocolate sauce. The juice is so thick that one is enough to fill you up.Kak Tie introduced me to this greeny-sticky-creamy-Chocolate drinks..i'm in love with it!!

i just ordered Durian Belanda blended juice...

Overall i probably visit this nasi padang outlet again-i'd rather give this restaurant 8/10..(overall rating)

From what I gather, Sari Ratu is a popular chain of Nasi Padang restaurants in Indonesia. They have three outlets in Malaysia: one in Jalan Sultan Ismail, this one in Desa Pandan and their latest one at Ampang Waterfront in Taman Kosas-and the address for this branch:

No. 26, Ampang Waterfront
Taman Kosas, Ampang
Kuala Lumpur

Do indulge yourself and Have a good Weekend everyone!!


*SiRibenMerah said...

citer psl mkn lagi.. adeshhh..
nk masuk bulan posa da neh.. kalo siang2 tatap blog citer psl mkn, alamak ade yg terliur neh.. hehehe..

salam ramadhan.. maaf kalo ada salah dan silap..
Selamat Hari Merdeka =)

Anonymous said...

Cute nyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Ziana said...

kat desa pandan best!
jom pa?

Unknown said...

wah kat tmn kosas yer,
ini kena ajak abg2 angkat wanie yg stay kat tmn kosas tue g rasa kat situ....
lokasi dia dekat ngn trafik light kan,
pastu sederet ngn kedai perabot bagai kan,
btul x???

CATZ said...

dah lama aku ngidam nak mkn kedai ni..tapi lom pernah kesampaian lah..
ko yg jauh dr penang pun dah makan situ.
selamat menyambut Ramadhan axim!

Izan said...

axim, akak rasa ko ni boleh wat rancangan jalan2 cari makan la... asyik pi makan je. Hehehehehhehe

ita.itu said...

nasi padng mmg best..hari tuh mkn kat desa pondan..pun sama mcm ko...

Anonymous said...

I love the jus apokat (avocado)...Everytime I go Indonesia I sure order one or two...:) Yuummy!

Wahidah said...

wah nampak menarik la..kena pergi ni...salam ramadhan and happy independence day axim...

Anonymous said...

That's it! That's it! I've been a silent reader for quite some time now. Believe me, how many times have I tore my hair in despair, shuddered in utter embarrassment and cringed in queasiness. All because of your atrocious ENGLISH. I'm sorry, but I have to say this: Please write in Malay...

pearl'E.J said...

ehehe bestkan axim?? kat jln sultan ismail n desa pandan akak dh try, yg baru nih lom lagik...

nanti try arr nasi padang kt auto city tu pulak axim... situ pun mabelessss... :D

@xiM said...

Si Riben Merah,

Saja la nak cite pasal makan makan banyak banayk before bulan pose..nanti bulan pose kita citer pasal juadah berbukak pulak yer..haha

Selamat menyambut ramadhan jugak untuk Iyrah dan keluarga!!happy independence day!!

maaf jugak dari aku yang tak punya...


Ted Baker,

apa yang cute?

@xiM said...


alahhh ngah sama jer tuh,sebab outlet dia sama lets la len kali okeh?



aah,tepat sekali...betui tuh...moh kita!!

@xiM said...


awat hang tak penah pi...pi la try...sedap ayam pop tuh...nanti pi bukak pose kat sana k,ajak family..



nak wat tapi modal takdak....nasib baik blogspot ni free...hehe

@xiM said...


memang best kan akak...cayalah!!!




@xiM said...


try la pergi nanti...happy merdeka day and salam ramadhan to you too!!



Terima kasih kerana menjadi silent reader untuk ini sentiasa mengalu alu kan kedatangan anda...

maaf kerana anda tersinggung dengan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris yang cacat dalam blog ini..

Untuk mengelakkan anda kehilangan lebih banyak rambut saya akan mempraktikkan penggunaan bahasa Ibunda saya dengan lebih kerap.

Dulu aku mengaji inggeris tak habis tu yang berterabur tu bila tulis..

apa-apa pun terima kasih di atas komen yang agak membina..sekurang nya ini membolehkan saya bekerja dengan lebih keras untuk memperbaiki mutu penulisan dalam bahasa asing dari semasa ke semasa.

Teruskan setia bersama AXIMUD yaaa!!

*len kali buh la nama,bleh kita berkenal kenalan....


@xiM said...

Kak EJ,

Owhhhh nasi padang kat Auto city pun ada ekkkk...bleh la try pi nanti...

@xiM said...


cop cop....nak tanya ni 'atrocious' tu maksudnya apa???aku cari dalam kamus takdak aku tak reti tengok kamus..hehe

Anonymous said...

Dear Axim,
I'm glad that you took my rather 'upstart'(phew!) comment positively. I'm not being arrogant but for the betterment of my 'anak bangsa', I have to do what I just did. Pardon me if you feel offended with the term 'atrocious' (meaning very bad)...

- kak emily, b'worth..

NN said...

there you go..!!
another makan makan punya entry.. :D

gaining more kilossssss.. hahahaaa.. as long as hati hepi, okeh.. makan kenyang kenyang okehh.. ramadhan dah dekat..nanti asik terliur aja tgk entry nih..

Faisal Admar said...

hehe... better than nasi padang in penang ke? referring to the taste... not the environment :)

Inah said...

nasi padang area ampang??

jom kak ngah!!

anyway..for me writing in english is one way to practice..well, people makes mistakes and we learn from it!!

i think u should continue to write in english as it will brush up ur skills..kalo tak nanti berkarat..

up to u pa!!

MOLY said...

ohhh .. adeq tau nih kat mana ..
i know .. i knoww ...
yg otw gi umah kak tie jugak tuh ..

jom g bandung la pa
makan nasi padang kat sana ..
baru adventure ..


amirul usheruff dzulkarnain said...

ni blog jalan jalan carik makan ke kaedah nya..? meleleh ar liur aku atas keyboard laptop nih..wei..jgn ckp pasal mkn lagi..dh nak poser dh..berbukak waktu german plak aku nnti bila view blog ko..
tapi knp nmpk kurus..? tang muka je lah...

NN said...

nampak kurus..??
mmm.. hahahaaaa..
rabun ekk incik atas nihhh..??



Anonymous said...

salam merdeka axim..

glad to hear that ur dad's getting better.

wish u selamat berpuasa

Unknown said...

ooh avocado and chocalate.. heavenly :D

SYUKS said...

wow that greeny creamy drink tu look soooo seductive..... mesti cuba satu hari nanti..pergghh !!

shahril aley said...

mak oiii terlir aku tengok ko & kak tie makan....
mcm nak try je la
lelagi bulan pose ni
asyik ngidam ngalah org pompuan ngandung je

izal said...

laaa kat taman kosas je bro...

dkt ngan umah aku tuh..

mati2 le aku ingat restaurant kat penang...makanan sari ratu tu mmg marbeles...

@xiM said...

Kak Emily,

akak,TQ for da komen yang membina..walaupun agak harsh sebenarnya tapi tak kisah least i know that you care to 'anak bangsa' are right....kalau takder orang tegur mesti saya tak taw kan..anyway,insya Allah i'll try to upgrade my atrocious english writing nih...

*da cari dalam kamus..atrocious maksudnya extremely bad...haha...extremely bad yer kak my entri ni..huhu

@xiM said...


gaining more kilos??ahhh tidak....i should do something about it..haha....


Faisal Admar,

tak pernah try la nasi padang kat tak taw camana nak compare..

@xiM said...


yeahhh practice makes perfect tapi kalau takder orang check kita mesti wat da same mistake jugak thats good to know that at least ada orang amik berat terhadap penulisan yang atrocious nih....



jom pi bandung adeq..!!alaaa adeq dah pii kan..

@xiM said...


kuruss??haha ko tertipu ngan gambor la maknnanya..aku dah makin gemuk laa...



shadap yu!!


@xiM said...


TQ akak...selamat berpuasa untuk akak dan jugak family k..



yeahhhh heaven!!

@xiM said...


air alpokat tuh mesti cuba tau!!



ko mengandung yee BT??

@xiM said...


len kali aku pi makan kat umah ko je lah,boleh??


Najib Ariyan Ali Basha said...

Oh Sari Ratu dah ada kat Ampang ker?? Sedapnya... macamyg kat KK haritu.. nanti untuk berbuka Abang nak gi sana lah... nampak macam best

@xiM said...

Tok Bear,

yup..dah ada da kat sini..nanti jejak jejak la kat sini..axim tahu abang memng suka bangat ngan nasi padang kan..


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