Lucky that finally i've got a 'date' for today's lunch,

at SegaFredo Zanetti Espresso Restaurant,(located at Gurney Plaza)

With Hot mama a.k.a
Kak EJ 
and her so-called BestFriend,
Actually we've been planned since yesterday to Rawkk Chili's Restaurant,but as Chili's Full house in Demand so here we are,at SegaFredo Zanetti Espresso Restaurant..(fuhhhh...what a name yaa...)

There's a lot of variety Menu

And Kak EJ initially want to ordered the Fish & Chips.I think there was nothing special at all in this dish except for the two big prawns served in the salad.But can you imagine when the waiter told us that the dish are not available today??Such a shameful for this Franchise!!I just dont think this should be happen at all,since they've got their franchise Restaurant all over the world..No wonder that nobody's was here except the three of us inside.
(we should move our ass to DOME right??hehe)

So as not so many choices given
Kak EJ and her
Elle ended up with the Chicken Arrosto which looked very impressive in the menu. I think that was too small a portion for his big size plate although the taste was not bad at all.Both of them doesn't look impress with this dish though.

Me?i've did ordered this Beef Bolognaise as it looks very impressive in Menu,but it doesn't match with the actual one,but whatever...Since i haven't take any breakfeast this morning,hopefully this dry-look-not-so-nice-Bolognaise Spaghetti could help.Well,i bet it does.
For beverages,This Milano Mocha helps a lot!!it does give me a reason for coming back to this place later..Very nice..Terrific!!
But unfortunately not for this Drinks-Kak EJ's...i couldn't remember what does it called but i do knew that the taste is pretty bad...Hmmmm what's wrong with this Restaurant??
The side Dishes-SegaFredo Chicken Wing-also saltless and i just can't remember what does it taste,and all i know is i'm da only one that trying to appreciate it..means to say that Kak EJ on the other hand already become frustrated with this Restaurant 'performances..'(she didn't take any piece of this dish!!)..yeah...me too..just so you know kak EJ that you are not da one that will put this Restaurant in banned list later...haha

But i could'nt help myself to still gave a big smile while the photo's taken...

and as we talking and keep laughing for the only-we-knows-what-we've-been-talking-about matter,Kak EJ decided to ordered some Hot beverages..because she claimed that Hot Chocolates here is awesome...hell yeah,i did agreed about that-maybe this Restaurant specialist in their beverages,and less concerned about the Foods...only God knows.
That ESPRESSO word written on the table really encourage me to ordered an Espresso Single
and this is a cup of Hot Chocolate for
Kak EJ,

Also known as Short Black, this is strong, dark coffee having chocolate-brown layer of crema on the top-This Espresso is mine-But i'm already warned by Kak EJ for the bitterness of it taste,well,i think i could handle that....at a glance..

But as A small portion of The Espresso come into my body-i know this maybe the last time i'm gonna have it...haha

As usual,
Kak EJ always busy with his business...

The ambience of this restaurant was great though. There were the outside area and inside area with soft house music. This is quite a cool place for a small meeting as well as for casual chit chats.

Guess who he is??yeahh i bet you were wrong...he is da one that showed up on our table...hiks..

Truly blogger will never forget to Bring her camera anywhereany place at any possible time..

Overall, I would think the bistro is rather pricey in their food and beverages items.We probably wont come here anymore since the Food and beverages have nothing in specialty,except their Milano Mocha...hehe..just my 2 cents.By da way,thanks Kak EJ for da very wonderful treat!!we were so gonna meet again since our plan at Chili's already spoiled.TQ again!!
(1-4 cheap, 5-7 average, 8-10 classy)Food Choices: 5/10
(1-4 limited, 5-7 average, 8-10 many choices)Taste: 5/10
(1-4 tasteless, 5-7 average, 8-10 excellent)Pricing: 9/10
(1-4 cheap, 5-7 average, 8-10 expensive)Service: 8/10
(1-4 bad, 5-7 average, 8-10 excellent)

You know what,since i've had a minor of Migrain,that high-dosage-Caffein Espresso make my world go spinning.....Probably it will cost my sleep tonight...hmmm...we'll see...
Geram kan kadang bila kita nak order mknan itew leh² dia ckp tarak...dah penah 3-4 kali kena tapi lelain restoran la...
Hang suka ka espresso yg kaw²??? ha p Italy...sana mmg kaw nye...agagagaga...
kalau nk lepak2 n minum2 kat situ ok la kan axim, kalau nk makan tu, hurmmmm... mmg tak akan mkn lagi dah ler pasnih...
air yg rasa mcm ubat akar kayu tu air honey lemon... tapi tak tau laa nape rasanya mcm minum air akar kayu lak.. huhuu...
dah ler tekak nih rasa nk makan kat chili's, tapi penuh, ingat bila pegi kt sega tuh ada laa yg boleh 'memuaskan tekak', tapi nan adooo... haishhh....
eheehe.. tp x per, nanti kita plan baekkkk punya, kita pi kasi gegarrrrrrrr itu chili's dgn 'kebisingan' kita nooo... ehehehe...
waktu mula2 sampai spaghetti tu pun dah nmpk kurang memuaskan, kering jerkkk kann...
cuma hot choc dia tu aja yg memuaskan hati... yg lain2 mmg tak leh blah langsung...
so semalam amacam?? boleh tidor tak? hehehehe...
i'm feeling sleepy.. definately in need of a hot expresso!! pa kitaorang gi karaoke smlm.. :) tak sempat nak update lagi!! :)
Nice. I might try the branch at Sunway Pyramid. :)
wah jumpa ej lagi ye...best tuh..nmpk sdp tul ice blended tu xim
amboi mentang2 mkn kedai omputih, entry pun bahasa omputih..
sampai tersasul ko taip kak e.j jadik "his"
ehhh sedap lah food tu..tp lagi sedap ko tgk kak e.j ko kan? heheh
1st pic tu ingat pelakon filem matrix
muke dah ade, bakat blakon ade tak?
wah koooo tu diaaa
dok mengomen sakan betoi la
kalau dah kaki makan
mesti banyak songgeh
u slept well what last nite!
haaa tu lah,jom kita pi jumpa ngan izan kat italy...suh dia banjer kita croissant ngan espresso..haha
Kak EJ,
Semalam boleh jer tidor tapi a bit lewat la...dalam 3 lebih...takper,next time kalau nak mai minum kat segaFredo ni boleh,kalau makan kita pi tempat lain...tapi akak kata yang kat auto city best...maybe franchise yang nih mengong kot...nasib laa Chili's penuh kan...haha..kalau tak dah bleh makan fajitas chicken kat situ...
anyway,i'm gonna wait for our next meeting..hehe
ooooo pi karaoke tak ajak papa...cepat update yek nanti papa nak tengok kemeriahan korang berkaraoke..kat RedBox lagi kaa??
not fully recommended la max,but maybe its wort for trying if u want to go for a couple of drinks...food?you better dont..
memang milano mocha tuh superb...sedap bangat...hehe...moh la turun penang kita gather ngan EJ lagik nanti..
welll,biasa la...lama dah tak speaking sampai tergeliat dah lidah speaking nih...kakakaka...
ayaq milano mocha tuh jer yang sedap..yang lain hancuss...(dalam hancuss tu habis gak la sepinggan bolognaise tuh...tanak membazir bro..haha)
macam pelakon matrix??apa muka aku ada iras keanu reeves kaa???jauh panggang dari api laa broo...kahkahkah...saja nak pekena aku la tuh..
Aku tak kan komen teruk sangat kalau semua tuh memuaskan..masalahnya makanan macam ampeh..sib baik mocha menjadi penyelamat...
aku kaki makan??aku semua kaki bleh BT...haha
How do u know i slept well??haha...dekat kul 3.30 jugak baru lelap..espresso punya penangan kot..huhu
layan Chili's laa pa!!
mmg sodap..
Segafredo nih mmg x sedap!!
eh migrain?
now ok x?
Tu la pasal angah..memang tak sedap...takpa ada umuq nanti pi Chili's gak...
migrain tuh da ok...tapi kapla weng weng macam tak cukup tidur ni..haha
tido kul 3.30am?.. ok tak hari ni?.. hihihi...
pi dating ngan ej tak bawak akak sekali erkk..lenkali caling² lah orang kat sini
huiii...dasatnya nama restoren tuh :D
hmm .. x penah la pulak adeq jumpa restoran tuh ....
kalau mcm tuh kan pa, tempat tuh sesuai untuk minum aje la .. makan tidak ...
pa..mai sini la pa..rasa spageti kak lang buat..hahahahah..bagi kak lang masa utk practice dulu ok!!
skrg baru nak rerajinkan diri masak :P
Kak Tiny,
tak ok....petang rasa ngantuk giler...huhu..
Kak Nor,
jom ler akak len kali,awat tak habaq awal nak join..hehe
13 May,
nama dashyat tapi sayang rasanya tak sedashyat nama..
owh,takan tak taw..angah punyalah dah cakap restoran ni tak sedap..haha..
aah,len kali minum jer kat restoran nih..
okeh okeh..kak lang practice dulu k...nanti dah terer bleh celen papa...kahkahkah
tersimpul lidah aku baca topic entry nih..
haaa tu lah dulu aku suh hang mengaji tinggi tinggi hang duk sibuk main guli..haha..
haha pegi chilis aku nak join! aku bawa sekali rakan blog mcm hidayah admar dan jospeh okeh? hehe.
btw, sega punya afogato best! hehe
wah wah wah... italian restoran gitu... segafreddo tu jenama kopi kat italy ni...
lawanyer kak ejjjjjjjjjjjjjj
suke nengok pic die yg first² tuh
sgt lawa lah die xim :P
Faisal Admar,
waahhhh no problem bro...!!ajak la skali depa tuh...bleh berjumpa jumpaan...best best...nanti ko open table yaa..haha
aah...tu mesti jenama kat italy kan..sebab restoran ni asal dari italy jugak..
yer...kak EJ memang superb..sila jumpa dia in person k...baru ko speechless tengok dier..hehe
pernah makan kat sini tak yer?? tak pernah rasanya... nanti Abg Bear caiklah kat KL nih... kawan EJ tu ABg BEar nampak macam bodyguard pulak... muka nampak garang, badan nampak tough... errrrrr....
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