After the course ended up at 5 pm,i quickly drove back to the hotel.It took 40 minutes from Bangi to Seremban,and that is if you just maintain your car meter at 120 km/h..i just couldn' resist to drive so fast,just to get there before the pool is closed at 7 least i could make myself swimming,as an exercise this wonderful evening.
Here i am for another 'course'-swimming course.

Its already late in evening,so we have to buckle up,while day give a way to the night.The sun will disappear and slowly moons will arise and enlighten the night.As the time goes by,we should probably realize that we just can't turn back the time,all the best that we can do is just try our best,and make ourself prepared.
*tonight my old fren(ex-BSAC) will coming by.its been a long time since we didn't meet each other.Hopefully we can have a dinner together.
wah bermandi mandian ko ye..kalo akak berkubang jap..hehe
wah.. boleh post untuk majalah Mangga nih. hahaha
ita.itu--->mandi akak..kalo berkubang tuh macam kobau jek..haha
bluecrystaldude--->majalah mangga lingkup nanti klo aku jadi cover majalah..haha
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