Trying to order Blackpepper Chicken with Rice and Gravy Mushroom Chicken-But they are out of stock!!!I dont think this should be happen For a franchise Restaurant like this,Which is will give bad Impression later on towards customer like us...hmmm Whatever.

Feels like just want to get out and search for another restaurant but since we've already in it so we did ordered 2 slice of Cakes,

Mango Delight for me,

and health Peach Cream Cake for Enchek Salman.
perghhhh...saje wat org teringin okeh...tak suka tak suka... ;p
sorry .. i x minom kopi2 nih
makan laa gordon bleu ..
kan sodappppp
ada kek peach ek
tatau la pulok !
astaga..meleleh air liur aku.air liur je tau..haha
ly, hang tak minum kopi...rugi rugi...
u know wat, coffee is the greatest drink ever created in this world...heheh...minum sambil isap rokok...perhhh..
isap rokok tau xim..bukan isap lain....tuttt...habis bateri..
izal, we can be BESTEST of buddies ever!! i am a coffee addict, seriously.
by the by, SR punya food kan, sama aja macam fast food sebab semua nya come in packs and the only thing that they have to do is heat it up and plate it.
seriously, i know. some ppl who work there told me the trade secret. tu sebab nama dia SECRET recipe.
try afogato dia... suuperb! kekeke... aku suka mable cheese cake ajo... tak lupa chocolate indulgence... dah try seafood noodle? hehe yummy!
best nyer minum kopi tuh! aku suka mocha kat coffe bean, tapi mahal..tak leh minum selalu!
berangan nak jadi barista someday!
besh ke mango delight?
kak lang x layan sgt secret recipe..lagi layan ice cream cake :D
haip. SR kat mana neh?
Mango Delight!!!
my fav!!!
mmg suke sesgt!!!
erkss... mcm nk pi SR jek
SR? bila nak ajak ni?
wahh.....mamam lg...g page lily pon mamam besh2.....
i want to have some NewYorkCheeseCake
*aku tau, hang ngan ziana xmakan cheese.. rugi woo..
wow kek la...
tapi tetap best kalau amek ciskek
huyoo sure la terliur ko makan
kopi sy layan tp nescfe x lh msk sgt,nti skt minum jugak la.. =p
nape ko x mkn cheese yek?? rugii wooo..
memang sengaja...sowee Ara...haha
kek peach tu baru....gordon bleu?Cheese?ooohhh tidaakkkk!!!
ruginya lily tak minum kopi...
akak,air liur jer ker...air lain?
merokok membahayakan kesihatan so aku tak isap rokok okeh....isap cekelat jer...haha
Red September,
really?thats why they called this franchise secret recipe!!lol
Faisal Admar,
seafood noodle tuh memang sedap!!
yup,coffee is da best!!
mango delight tuh best!!tapi tak try lagi fibre cake yang inah suggest tuh..
SR kat Seberang Jaya Dosh!!
sama la kita,mango delight in my list!!
Princess N,
Makan boleh hilangkan stress..hehe
cheese cake????tidaakkkkkk!!!
ni sorang lagik,ciskek??tidaakkkk!!!
ciskek tak makan sebab geli dan tak sedap...voleh?
pesal ko n kak ziana x makan cheese ek...sedap pe cheese tuh..hehe
eh xim...lanje aku cake tueeeeeeeeeeeee
terliur dah ni..
dah le aku pose harini.... ish..ish..
ok zie..
nanti aku jek laa yg blanja hang..
ngeh ngeh ngehhhh
ehm..tgk kek terliur,,
semalam catz ke SR diputrajaya. try the coklat indulgence...fuhh..sgt sedapps hingga hampir menjilat finggan...
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